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Phone: (210) 619-0200

Qualifications: Associate's Degree in Applied Science Registered Nurse

Mrs. Marlese C. Velez, RN

Hello Raptor Nation!  I am so excited to be joining you all!

My name is Nurse Velez and I will be your school nurse. A little about me is that I am a mom of three awesome children and a wife to a defensive coordinator football coach. So, you will most likely catch me in the stands on Friday nights with my kids snacking away watching their daddy coach.

I started out my nursing career as a Level 1 Trauma Nurse right here in San Antonio.  I then moved to pediatric nursing which led to home health nursing and eventually I found my true calling which is school nursing. School nursing brings a different kind of adrenaline rush and I am all for it.  Taking care of each and every one of your kiddos is not something I take lightly.  As a school nurse my goal is to ensure that each and every child is safe and stays healthy. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic for anything I can do to help your child during the day.